Time Is Up – Is That Possible????

How can it be that our semester of teaching has come to an end so quickly? One year ago this ministry was still a dream, not yet articulated as to what Chuck would be teaching and still many questions to be answered for my position as well. We praise God for this ministry opportunity, the new skills learned, challenges and opportunities that stretched us, and for the many new friends that we have met because of our time here.


We have enjoyed the students. There is no way to capture just how to explain this. Their care, encouragement and support for each other is something I have never experienced to this level. We appreciated the diversity of this special school culture and enjoyed learning from and alongside of our students each day. We will miss these caring, funny, and creative young people!

The staff here are dear to our hearts. Since the day we arrived, they have included us in all activities helping us to feel “at home.” Together we pray, teach, study God’s word, play, exercise (my new Fitbit fiends), sing, and wholeheartedly enjoy the company of each other. To capture just how fun this group is I have to include the video that was taken during our January activity day. Laurie Flietstra developed a very fun challenge for the students and the staff. The students were split into new family teams so that all ages were included in each team. Each team was given 6 cards of actions. The challenge was to have the students put these actions into a series of moves and to put them to music. The surprise for the students was that the staff prepared one as well. See if you can recognize the moves of the lawn mower, lion, lasso, pony, weed puller and the Egyptian – all to the theme song of Star Wars! What a great concluding activity that included hugs for Chuck and I from all of the students at the end! We will certainly miss you all!

We are thrilled that Craig Beatty is willing to come alongside of us and continue to use this blog platform to share the continuing work of the GLCA secondary students through the second semester. Using this site will help us to encourage contacts back home to engage their students in learning conversations and dialogue with the GLCA students.

We also want to say thank you to our family and friends, prayer partners, and support partners at home. They have been the heartbeat of this ministry. Without their support we wouldn’t have been able to come. Our work here is a tapestry of threads that include each and everyone. Without one, the finished work would not be complete.
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Now we have come to the end of our first ministry term. All of the hopes from last year have turned to deep appreciation, joys and realities of our ministry memories. We look forward to the new doors of ministry opportunities yet ahead of us.

Chuck will be headed to Mongolia in April with Tri-M Ministries where he has the opportunity to share God’s word through training of National pastors. We still are unsure of where or how the Lord will send or use us next school year. We pray for clarity in discerning His will as we determine where we will go, the focus of the ministry and how long we might serve.

With a grateful heart we thank God for the opportunity to serve Him.
Chuck and Linda Moehring

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