Following our dream

It is amazing when I think back and listen to my “introduction” post that I posted over a year ago. I mentioned how I wanted to be able to serve the Lord and teach in an international school as a missionary teacher. Here we are in Lisbon, Portugal just a little over a year later. Chuck and I are so excited to be here and we have so much to learn about each of our students so that we can best meet their needs. I am excited to be able to incorporate digital technology into my classrooms to take students to places that textbooks just can’t seem to express. We have already visited the Anasazi, Moundbuilders, Aztecs, Mayans, and Inca Indians through video opportunities. My Government class viewed the incredibly touching photos from 9/11 and were able to get a glimpse into the way this attack altered and took the lives of ordinary people going about their day.

My goal is to somehow team with a teacher from Grand View Christian School in Des Moines, Iowa. I am hoping that my US History students and possibly my Government students will be able to team with students from this school and work on writing their own textbook. I have much to learn, but am excited about the many possibilities! With my passion for gifted education, I am hopeful that the use of technology will provide outlets for challenging the gifted students whom I serve. Much to do as I am learning a new subject area while filling in for the teacher who is gone this semester as well as teaching an online class. Excited for the opportunities ahead!
