The Delicate Balance of Waiting or Wading

Today’s Reading: Joshua 3: 5-17

Joshua 3: 13 “And when the soles of the feet of the priests bearing the ark of the LORD, the Lord of all the earth, shall rest in the waters of the Jordan, the waters of the Jordan shall be cut off from flowing, and the waters coming down from above shall stand in one heap.”

Stepping out of one’s comfort zone is intimidating for most people.  When my husband and I decided to look into ministry options in place of traditional retirement, the thought was both exciting and frightening.  However, we made contact with a school in Portugal, where a few years earlier, we had supported their staff through a 1-week ministry opportunity.  Within 24 hours of sending out our inquiry through email, we had not only a response but also a warm invitation to join their team.  The process of preparing all of the paperwork, visas, etc., was at times daunting.  There are no words to describe our emotions and thoughts as we processed the idea of being away from our families, our young grandchildren, and dear friends for months at a time.  I realize our situation was unique to us, but being a Christ follower is not a spectator sport.  We are all asked to consider how we might use our talents and skills, given by the Lord, to serve Him.  Many times, doing so will require us to move out of our comfort zones to follow His leading in steps of obedience. 

Today’s key verses take us to the Old Testament book of Joshua.  We step into this section after God’s recent appointment of Joshua as His chosen leader over the new nation of Israel.  In the first few chapters of this book, we find Joshua preparing the Israelites to cross over into the promised land.  Entrance into the new country was quite a moment of celebration.  Due to the rebellion, unbelief, and disobedience of their forefathers, the nation had wandered in the wilderness for 40 years.  However, the time to enter the promised land had finally arrived.  Joshua 3:15 helps us better understand the complexity behind crossing the Jordan at this time of year.  “Now the Jordan overflows all its banks through the time of harvest.”  

God began this journey by again testing the faith of this new generation.  The Israelites had to cross the flooding waters of the Jordan River, and God, in his plan for salvation, provided a path through the flooding waters.  The people had to choose between obedience to His specific directions or paralyzing fright.

God speaks to his chosen leader in Joshua 3:8 “And as for you, command the priests who bear the ark of the covenant, ‘When you come to the brink of the waters of the Jordan, you shall stand still in the Jordan.” 

Here we find God again calling his people to obedience.  Interestingly, in this case, calling the religious leadership to walk in faith, setting an example for the people to follow.  Put yourself into this situation.  Obedience to God calls you to step into the flooding waters, walking in far enough that the soles of the feet of the priests carrying the ark of the LORD all “rest in the waters of the Jordan.”  

Floodwaters from the Raccoon River inundate downtown Des Moines, Iowa, and Des Moines Water Works on July 11, 1993.  Photo by Des Moines Water Works.
Photo courtesy of G.L. Sardou, Topeka, Kansas

I have seen flooding rivers.  The 1993 simultaneous flooding of the Des Moines and Racoon Rivers inundated Des Moines, Iowa, and surrounding areas for many miles.  Only one road was high enough to travel to and from our small town.  The rest were underwater.  Flooding waters can be dangerous, alarming, and in many cases raging.  We don’t know the exact details, but we know that the Jordan river had overflowed its banks.  God, however, provided reassurance and further direction.

Joshua 3: 13 “And when the soles of the feet of the priests bearing the ark of the LORD, the Lord of all the earth, shall rest in the waters of the Jordan, the waters of the Jordan shall be cut off from flowing, and the waters coming down from above shall stand in one heap.”

Obedience would equate to crossing a dry riverbed into the long-awaited promised land in the same miraculous way God had parted the Red Sea when the Israelites left Egypt.  God’s people obeyed, and the Jordan River parted at flood stage, allowing His chosen people to enter the promised land after their 40-year pilgrimage in the wilderness.

I love this account of history.  I also cling to it when unsure of my direction in life.  While it is true that God no longer audibly communicates to us through a chosen human leader, if we listen, we can hear him speaking every time we open the scriptures.  I have heard of those who lost out on amazing dreams while waiting for God to “part their Jordan.” These opportunities might have been desires for ministry or heartfelt concerns regarding other important life decisions.  However, there is a delicate balance between the wait and the wading.  I have certainly made many mistakes.  However, my experience has been that if and when God places a dream in our hearts that will ultimately bring glory to Him, the next step is ours.  Like the Levitical priests, we must be willing to step into the flooding water and watch our LORD open the path.  Once we take that first step, we prayerfully wait for confirmation through open doors and opportunities that unexpectedly arise.  Sometimes we are met with doors that close, allowing us to pray for redirection and heart reflection.  Sometimes, even with open doors, the path we are directed to looks nothing like our original dreams.

Micah 7:7 “But as for me, I will look to the LORD; I will wait for the God of my salvation; my God will hear me.”

There is a delicate balance between waiting or wading into the water.  Both are important to ensure that we walk the dry and narrow path God has intended for us.  If God has placed a God-honoring dream in your heart, I encourage you to pray and then, in obedience, step into the water and watch as He reveals a new path for your life.

Dear Jesus,

Thank you that you do give me dreams for what might be.  Help me to learn to balance those dreams with your words through scripture, your direction through prayer, and the obedience required to heed your calling.  Grant me the courage to step into the flooding water, watch, and “Wait for the LORD; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!” Psalm 27:14.  Lord, I thank you for your direction and wisdom, which you will provide as needed.  Help me to discern your will and give me the courage to step out in a way that will point others to you.

In Your precious name, I pray.  Amen


Dear friends, Chuck and I ask for your prayers as we prepare for and embark upon an upcoming ministry survey trip to Zambia to determine if and how we might support teachers at a school there.  We will return home to work with a small team of educators to plan for what the next steps might be as we consider this ministry opportunity.  We also ask for continued prayers as we return to GLCA in Lisbon, Portugal, for the 2nd semester of this school year.

Retired and Ready to Serve,  Linda and Chuck

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2 thoughts on “The Delicate Balance of Waiting or Wading”

    1. Hi Jen, I just researched the loss of my “subscribe” button. I no longer have a pro account, so I have lost this option. I will add you to my email list when I send out information regarding my latest post.

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